Monday, June 2, 2008

Pimp My....Life?

Xzibit would be proud. Not only has he helped to spur on the nationwide car-customization craze that started on the west coast with his TV show Pimp My Ride, this theme is starting to leak into churches as well. A church from South Carolina has recently began a sermon series entitled "Pimy My Life." Its goal is simple. To transform a person's marriage, mind, body, mouth, and relationships to be more Christ-like. Sounds pretty good, right? My prayer everyday is nearly the same (minus the pimp part), for I want all of these things to be transformed daily by the renewing of my mind. Furthermore, I'm sure that Paul meant all of these things plus some more when he stated "for me, to live is Christ" in Philippians 1:21.
So what's the problem? The problem is one of over-contextualization. Now, contextualization is basically the process of making something meaningful to a specific culture. For example, if I were preaching the Gospel in India, i would be sure to make it as relevant as possible to those in that culture, yet WITHOUT weakening the Gospel message. In America today, many churches are striving to reach a postmodern generation, and sadly, many are severely lessening the Gospel of Christ because they think the Gospel will offend those "seekers" who enter their doors. I have known churches in the past who have told their members to not bring their Bibles, for that would make the "seekers" feel out of place. I have also known the same church's worship band to play secular songs about getting drunk and hanging with the rough crowd in the service before they enter into their time of worship. Obviously, this pastor has never read Romans 3, for if he had, he would understand that no one seeks but God!
Back to my point. I understand what this church is trying to do, and I'm sure that their pastor probably has a few good points and insights to teach if he sticks to what Scripture says on each of these topics. But his methodology of life change is all wrong here. Does he know what pimp means? Let us ask the dictionary:

pimp (pimp)
a man who is an agent for a prostitute or prostitutes and lives off their earnings; procurer.

pimp Synonyms
procurer, whoremonger, pander, white-slaver, runner, hustler*, flesh-peddler*; see also criminal.
Xzibit's TV show shows old, beat up cars being transformed into flashy, used-to-be old beat up cars with TVs, stereo systems, custom paint, wheels, and etc. But the old car's body and frame is still underneath. There is just a whitewashing, if you will, of the outside. Contrary to this theme, Christ does not take our old self and add new stuff to it...he destroys our old self! Paul says in Galatians 2:20 that he is "crucified with Christ." Believers are no different. Our old self is destroyed, and our new self is being constantly perfected and made holy day by day. This is sanctification...and it is glorious because of the heinousness of our sin, God would not accept our old selves with new "parts" or thoughts, language, marriage practices, etc. Sin must be destroyed and atoned for, and the only way that this happens is when Christ saves His sheep, destroys their flesh-life, and imparts His righteousness on them! This is true life transformation, and is signified by our baptism, which demonstrates that believers were buried with Jesus in death, and then raised up to walk in newness of life! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

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